“No one takes me seriously, but there’s something wrong with my vagina!” my sassy patient proclaimed as I sat before her listening diligently.
Whether it’s the size of their labia, decreased sensation in the vagina or asymmetry, many women often feel ashamed about their genitals. It is true, the female genitalia comes in many shapes, sizes and colors. However, sometimes genetics, aging or childbirth can lead to female genital changes that cause discomfort, decreased sexual function and even embarrassment.
As public awareness of the female genitalia, created by the media, television shows and even pornography, has increased more women are seeking reassurance about the appearance of their own genitalia and in many instances surgical management. In the past, women were often ignored when they presented with concerns over the appearance of their genitalia. However, studies have consistently demonstrated that the appearance of a women’s genitalia can impact both her self-confidence and sexuality. The rise in cosmetic gynecologic procedures, which include labiaplasties and vaginoplasties, in the US and throughout the world is empowering many women to reclaim their self-esteem and sexuality.

The labia are the folds of skin framing the vagina. They can be long or short, wrinkled or smooth and even dark or light. From woman to woman, and even from labia to labia, there can be variations. However, sometimes these variations create discomfort with physical activity, distress when wearing tight-fitting clothing, difficulties with intercourse and even embarrassment.
Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure used to reduce the length of the labia. This procedure may be medically necessary if the labia create difficulties with intercourse or chafes on clothing or with normal, daily activities, such as running, walking, biking or sitting. Some people are born with longer labia that create difficulties with their daily activities; however, childbirth and aging can lead to elongation of the labia that may be problematic for some patients. For these patients, a procedure later in life may be necessary.
Many times, however, labiaplasties are a cosmetic procedure, rather than medically necessary. For women with asymmetrical or elongated labia leading to a reduction in their self-confidence, labiaplasty may help to restore their self-esteem and sexuality.

The vagina is that resilient, elastic canal that was designed to bend, stretch and adapt during intercourse and childbirth. Over time, however, some of her resiliency can be lost, especially following childbirth. This loss of elasticity for some women creates decreased enjoyment with sexual intercourse.
Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that reduces the circumference of the vagina by tightening the muscles in the back of the vagina and/or making repairs in the rear vaginal wall. This procedure may be medically necessary in patients who have scarring following childbirth; however, vaginoplasty is most often a cosmetic procedure.
While cosmetic gynecology procedures can be life-changing for many women, most women do not need such procedures because their vulvas are normal and beautiful just the way they were created. For those women desiring cosmetic gynecology procedures, however, a consultation with a gynecologist experienced in cosmetic gynecology is the first step.
To find out more about the cosmetic gynecology procedures offered at Radiance Women’s Center, call (407) 743-2100. We look forward to providing you with a compassionate, clear and comprehensive approach to your cosmetic gynecology needs.